(Always check TestFlight for the latest build.)
Release notes for: 0.9.0(4486)
"Final Candidate (FC1)"
* * * This is FINAL CANDIDATE * * *
If there are no issues, we will submit to Apple for review and release v1.0.
(Then continue to do frequent updates to improve things :)
- Big-news items -
- Not much changed this build.
- Robot avatar adjustments (centering, shadow).
- Code changes -
- fix battery crash on new farm
- reduce console-log chatter
- Data Format 19 => 20, adjust mebot image anchor
- Bump vsn to 0.9.0 for final candidate
- Content changes -
- bugzid: 803 update help images with latest artwork
- updated mebots with corrected shadows
- add original mebot-1 image
- data format 19 => 20, adjust mebot image anchor
- Server changes -
- (No changes this update.)
Release notes for: 0.8.5(4464)
The current state of the game is: if we had all of the final artwork, we would
submit it to Apple for review and release v1.0. (Then continue to do frequent
updates to improve things :)
- Big-news items -
- Not much changed this build.
- There's a new robot avatar, and he's a bit off-center. When the final art arrives, I'll send that out as a hot-fix.
- Code changes -
- update to new icon
- update to XCode 7
- remove stray framework path from unit tests (fixes build)
- bugzid: 1214 fix ping-pong bot moves in reverse for 1 step before turning around
- (WIP) fixes to coins-posting
- main thread queueing
- fiddling around with trying to get ATV to build from same project
- update RfcMobile for 8-direction image
- add mobile-test
- remove tvOS targets/schemes (need to try starting over)
- bump vsn to 0.8.5 for delivery of Beta-11
- disable bitcode
- app requires full screen
- Content changes -
- GMO-1 => GMO-3 update
- bugzid: 1212 make startup sound not so loud.
- bugzid: 1213 improve battery-dead help
- new mebot images
- bugzid: 1211 cap tech at crafting limits
- double-up to create missing rows for mebot
- mebot-#b images. Also messing around with shadows
- robot-2 is 'Mk.II'
- add icons and mebot images
- tv-support images
- add tv icons
- Server changes -
- (No changes this update.)
Release notes for: 0.8.4(4411)
The current state of the game is: if we had all of the final artwork, we would
submit it to Apple for review and release v1.0. (Then continue to do frequent
updates to improve things :)
- Big-news items -
- There was a display issue with very large farms and growing items (trees) getting lost, now fixed.
- Some internals were re-worked in ways that should not matter. If you see "strange" behaviour, please let us know!
- Code changes -
- fix timed-object appearance timing.
- also make sure object removeFromSuperview happens on main thread
- bugzid: 1193 off-screen gates don't auto-recover.
- The bigger-issue problem is that there's only so much you can do in one pass (in a loop) on main-thread, and work needs to be queued, so it can be chewed-through at a reasonable rate.
- bugzid: 1192 robot-drop item (as with full inventory) displays properly.
- Also fixes for alt-login
- some main-thread/dispatch tweaks
- removeFromSuperview cleanup.
- In theory, this is a no-op. However, if I made a mistake, it will likely result in a display issue where objects that should disappear remain on screen until the next update.
- bugzid: battery level indicator fixes.
- Also use of 'self' in init and dealloc cleanup
- Also disappearing gate fixes
- Some accessor vs ivar cleanup
- add planted, harvested, dug telemetry.
- fix stray semicolon in robot
- clear cellLocation when adding to inventory
- bugzid: 1190 rkda's mined-dirt/trees, timed-objects don't reload properly on overly-large farm.
- don't kill already-null circuit-timer at farm-setup
- bump vsn to 0.8.4 in preparation for Beta-10
- Content changes -
- Fixed %-chance bonus bug in crafting.
- Server changes -
- (No changes this update.)
Release notes for: 0.8.3(4325)
- Big-news items -
- The farm-load routine was re-done. See notes around "bugzid: 1182", below.
- The grabber can now take input from inventory. See notes around "bugzid: 1184", below.
- A held chest will now "vacuum-up" items from the robot's position. Enjoy!
The current state of the game is: if we had all of the final artwork, we would
submit it to Apple for review and release v1.0. (Then continue to do frequent
updates to improve things :)
- Code changes -
- bugzid: 1153 savefarm now updates expired token
- cruft removal.
- move userID back into UD (from keychain)
- reduce debug logging
- bugzid: 1166 fresh-install => no farm
- bugzid: 1171 don't display banners during startup help
- bugzid 1169 align new tools/inventory icons
- bugzid: 1094 gates can 'steal' motivator pins, under certain circumstances
- bugzid: 1170 on tools/inventory drawer, display item against blank button.
- bugzid: 1172 grey-out and don't allow select of items-to-sell if we don't have enough qty
- bugzid: 1173 new app icon
- (WIP) goals-based mission text
- bugzid: 1175 fix SoM lost traces on farm save/load
- Fixed market interface (buying was broken)
- bugzid: 1182 odd tree layering.
- Also add bugzid: 1182 (oddly planted trees) support
- Reduce debug logging.
- bugzid: 1182 odd tree layering.
- This is actually a large-ish change, in that it changes the way items are
added to RfcWalkableViewContainer, queueing-up each object indiviually, and
allowing main_queue() to chew through the array at its own speed.
- In theory, this will help with farm loading and hypothesized problems where
the main queue gets overloaded and can't handle everything thrown at
it (as during a large startup), and so chokes and mis-displays things
in odd, non-reproducible ways.
- bump vsn to 0.8.3 in preparation for delivery of Beta-9
- bump max inventory stack size 200 => 255
- fix robot- and chip-interior display (scrollview layering)
- cruft removal
- bugzid: 1155 refactor heldObjects field RfcObject => RfcMobile
- bugzid: 1131 remove SoM itemID hacks
- bugzid: 1063 play farm button slow to put up activity spinner
- login screen tweaks
- bugzid: 796 ignore-notification prettiness
- bugzid: 861 held chest slurps from robot-position
- bugzid: 1184 allow grabber-input to take item from inventory.
- This is actually a slightly bigger change, the grabber-input now accepts
item signals, in general.
- If the source is inventory, the item is removed from inventory and held.
- If the source is a bumper, the item is picked-up. Note that this can extend
the reach of the grabber.
- Signals from the grabber-output are ignored.
- Signals from the antenna are ignored, though we will likely implement this, at some point.
- This change has fairly high confidence, but should be checked against item-duplication (or destruction) bugs.
- inventory stack max 255 => 256, to facilitate 'half'
- Content changes -
- bugzid: 1147 craft-gates mission has blank hints
- tweak iron tree
- content for robot battery upgrade
- updated gate, growing gate and iron trees
- updated NOT tree
- updated buttons from Hien
- convert eye image from psd to png
- updated buttons
- new small yellow flower art
- robo-battery tweaks
- bump mined-dirt delay time from 6=>8 min
- updated tool handle, pinecones
- Server changes -
- (No changes this update.)
Release notes for: 0.8.2(4059)
- Big-news items -
- New circuit: Select-O-Matic. Allows easier programmed selection of chosen items.
- A bunch of "under the hood" cleanup that should result in no outward changes, other than the app being more stable, overall.
- Several UI-niceness improvements.
- Most of the artwork is now final.
- We're still updating the gate (AND, OR, etc.) trees.
- The robot-sprite, app icon and splash screen are still in-progress.
- If you see anything else that looks to be "placeholder" (esp. anything I "borrowed" from Farmville! :), please let us know!
The main development effort continues to center around game balance, ui-niceness and finishing up all the "paperwork" chores to release the game.
- Code changes -
- implement select-o-matic
- bump dataFormat to 19 (noButton rocks)
- bugzid: 1134 tree/item layering. Sort now accounts for anchor
- bugzid: 1139 crafting select-next pin accepts item/itemID signals
- bugzid: 1140 settings crop-notification is a stepper, not a picker
- bugzid: 1096 robot-activity (ex: harvesting) pauses during scroll/zoom
- Also fixed add-duplicate-object to farm
- bugzid: 991 battery info panel gives 'tried to represent active popover' warning
- bugzid: 591 refactor putObjectOnGround: into utility rountine and use throughout
- bugzid: 778 refactor HELP_INFO_DISMISSED out of walkableVC into farmVC
- centralize money-UI location
- frame play/create button (login screen)
- bump vsn to 0.8.2 in preparation for delivery of Beta-8
- userID, password, login-token moved into keychain
- Better analytics WARN: messages
- fix analyizer warnings.
- bugzid: 1148 gates in chips have power at startup, even though robot is off.
- This is actually part of a bigger change/bug, which is that chips and their contents did not draw power
- from the robot battery, so everything inside a chip was 'free.' This is now changed.
- power-usage balancing
- full battery has color
- hot-legs that aren't connected don't use power
- you can upgrade the robot's battery
- bugzid: 1021 nodes don't display on first opening of robot
- disconnect old battery on upgrade
- Content changes -
- add select-o-matic template and updated image
- bugzid: 1122 mention hex/decimal money in help buttons
- new grow-pine images
- new growing trees
- materials trees alignment
- reduced battery glare
- updated gate trees
- Server changes -
- (No changes this update.)
Release notes for: 0.8.0(3913)
- Big-news items -
- New flowers, seeds & tree art
- Costs/payouts continue to be balanced, though the changes are smaller, now-a-days.
- Some UI tweaks.
The main development effort now is game balance, ui-niceness and finishing up all the "paperwork" chores to release the game.
- Code changes -
- fix potential Obj-C init bug
- also: rearrange the design folder, some
- more rearrange of design folder
- reduce excess logging
- validate plist files before allowing login.
- update robot-1 => robot-2
- convert DEBUG_ flags to compiler directives
- bugzid: 1090 inventory-select-next uses item signal to select that one
- remove obsolete DEBUG flags from schemes
- fix hidden of alt-login label
- bugzid: 1064 normalize use of _userid, [model currentLogin] in loginVC
- bugzid: 1067 remove redundant self.imageName = ... in RfcConnector view
- add sensor-blank-hot to project
- App sends memory warning notification, so others can respond
- remove reference to killing kittens from bug-report dialog.
- more bug-report VC cleanup
- bump vsn to 0.8.0, as we head into the final turn...
- page banner button a little bigger.
- lazy-load plists, and dump them on memory-warning
- bugzid: 1102 selected-row contrast in study-vc is too low
- bugzid: 1027 color code battery level.
- tweaks to crafting/market views
- fix numeric-register output to include a COUNT signal.
- add market debug stuff
- normalize (X) close buttons to upper-left
- better market +/- controls.
- update to dataFormat 18 => 19. Rocks are noButton (again.) This time, templates are updated, too.
- hex coins display
- fix market 'max' button.
- better telemetry on missing tools-results items
- crafting UI tweaks
- fix crafting-pins un-solder-able
- bugzid: 1116 item sensor and connector view fixes
- bugzid: 1115 don't de-select on market-buy.
- Also: debounce button to reduce accidental double-tap
- Content changes -
- add 'Feature Unlocked:' to title of one-times for unlock-feature
- new lavender flowers from Hien
- add artist-contributions to about
- add mebot-2 images
- add late-beta banner
- add border to late-beta banner
- add sensorBlank-hot
- New ironwood, copperwood tree
- 'Thruster' => 'Motivator' text.
- mined-dirt => dirt transition takes a bit longer.
- market bbx price adjustments
- tweaks to battery image.
- Market/template tweaks (re-order gates low->high)
- adjust tech-tree learning times.
- add select-o-matic image
- updated splash
- fix crashing bug (bad data) for planting yellow lupine (mistakenly: yellow-white)
- new flower seeds (lav), new plastic + sandawood trees
- new banner button and flower seeds
- Server changes -
- (No changes this update.)
Release notes for: 0.6.0(3721)
- Big-news items -
- Farm is saved locally and offered for continued play in the event of network failure on upload.
- NOTE: No Market or IAP transactions until the farm is successfully uploaded to (and verified by) the server.
- Some cost-to-craft adjustments that should help with game-phase balance.
- Some tools-output (harvest) and time-to-work (saw) adjustments.
- Buncha new art.
- You can no longer craft/buy itemID = "robot-1". From this build fwd, new robots are
itemID = "robot-2". When I get the artwork, robot-1 will be the "I was there for Beta"-bot.
The main development effort now is game balance, ui-niceness and finishing up all the "paperwork" chores to release the game.
- Code changes -
- fix crashing bug when selecting short-item in crafting view
- cancel background upload task on network failure
- no debug-farm except on simulator
- no debug-farm except on simulator (part 2)
- bugzid: 1051 unit test: one of each item on grid with robot (for layering)
- bugzid: 1050 unit test: one of each item on grid (for positioning)
- bugzid: 1057 robot, dropped on ground, is mini
- reduce timed-object retry noise-spam (2s => 7s)
- cruft removal
- Merge branch 'master' into no-network-save_1013
- pretty-printing
- minor tweaks, adjust .xibs, remove warning label, add autorelease pool
- move market help button (and all robo-interior help buttons) to higher layer for easier touching
- nil-safe flurry
- bugzid: 99 cruft removal
- move coins icon down-layers so it's not in front of robot-interior
- bugzid: 1068 signals don't push through chip-walls
- bugzid: 1070 number info (count) properly registered in NumC
- remove debug code. experiment to see if we can make sign-out more robust (anti-SSL errors)
- workaround (bid: 1072) chips dropped in drawer can position off-screen.
- This workaround auto-recovers items off-screen of soldering-view
- move missions reward down a little, to make room
- help button alignments
- added help buttons, don't show banner button if no banners
- bugzid: 1065 verify rewards key
- bugzid: 1040 unlock feature drawer pins on craft any gate-
- market-vc style updates
- add test case for 1086, UI-lag
- WIP: working toward memory reduction
- add wwdcTiling files to project (WIP)
- initial cleanup of wwdctiling code (WIP)
- add robotR2 class
- bump vsn to 0.6.0 in preparation for delivery of Beta-6
- 64bit warnings
- analyzer warnings
- Content changes -
- some high-end items are now BBX-only purchase.
- bugzid: 1048 robot/furnace mis-layering
- adjust raw steel-bars prices down, things that require steel up to compensate
- remove unused items from templates
- balance gates-required for mid-level circuitry.
- include more plastic in full-robot build. slightly less other stuff.
- new artwork from Hien
- fix release-notes URL in banner
- bugzid: 1073, 1074, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1078, 1081 -- help, help-button updates.
- grabber, follow/cctv, eye/zoom, battery, study/brain, whereami, banner
- buncha new Hien-art.
- bugzid: 1055 update harvest yield
- bugzid: 1060 normalize tree-seed names
- art updates (Hien)
- add button-halo to crafting/market buttons
- switch to robot-2, robot-1 remains as 'beta' robot
- Server changes -
- (WIP) last-date-played + days-in-a-row work
- don't update play-days on devserver
Release notes for: 0.5.0(3568)
- Big-news items -
- Crafting/market sections remember their open/closed state
- New "crop ready" reminder notification (see settings.)
- New infrastructure (not-yet-used) for login-rewards
- Locally-saved game can be played if last farm-upload failed.
- Some new artwork is starting to roll in. (Most noticably, IMO: gates)
My main thrust now is game balance, ui-niceness and finishing up all the "paperwork" chores to release the game.
- Code changes -
- Merge branch 'master' into gates_drawer_815
- bugzid: 815 gates drawer should use proto-gate image
- gates drawer is 1 column, better display
- bugzid: 1014 convert section-open flags to keyed-by-section-name
- bugzid: 1015 section-views remember collapsed sections
- bugzid: 994 crop ready reminder notification (user setable)
- bugzid: 1022 inventory-count label centered on item
- better switching for dev-server
- fix crash altering section open/close after save
- bugzid: 1032 items picked up then dropped (inventory full) can display several cells way
- debug gate seeds
- php-json mangle-proof rfcObjectFromDict:
- powered-off robots no longer slowly drain power.
- auto-save doesn't keep saving the same farm over and over if it doesn't change.
- bugzid: 1033 powered things (chips, gates) should become unpowered when they are not in a power source (robot)
- added telemetry to farm-save
- (WIP) skeletal reward chests display
- bugzid: 1035 rewards uses sparklepay
- integrate new gate art from Hien
- misc debugging stuff (rewards) -- just checking in because I delivered (3557) to QA
- Bump vsn # to 0.5.0 in preparation for Beta-5
- bottleneck the SSL cert check code.
- fix crashing bug when selecting short-item in crafting view
- Content changes -
- add Hein to credits
- new art from Hien
- bugzid: 1031 wooden-saw price to 0 (buy/sell)
- bugzid: 999 gate trees display in wrong cell while growing
- updated steel dibble
- new gate artwork from Hien
- Server changes -
- correct flag constants
- add token-only login.
- implement login rewards
- fix typo in user flags
- add expireRewards script
- use constants (not magic-numbers) in login
- chmod 750 expireRewards.php
- fix errors in expireRewards
- bugzid: 1038 login rewards caused bad farm signature
- on paid rewards, set expires to time paid
Release notes for: 0.4.0(3443)
- Big-news items -
Several changes touched big, important infrastructure (potentially "breaking everything").
- reduced a zillion mutableCopy-s, most notably in objectDictionary-s
- bugzid: 976 chips (all gates) on ground icon is too big
- NOTE: This was a fairly simple change, but one that involved altering the basic "put item on the ground" logic. Everything looked good in simple testing, but this is an area that could stand stronger QA.
- some excess-view memory footprint reduction.
- specifically, IC chips are now presented-VCs, rather than inserted-views
- bugzid: 1008 crafting multiples (ex: 20 charcoal) is sluggish
- bugzid: 1005 market-sell deals with actual items, not prototypes.
- Now you can sell (empty) items capable of inventory.
- Fix battery emergency-charge.
My main thrust now is bug fixes and game balance -- working out the details so that there are fun, challenging
things to do, but it constantly feels like progress is being made.
- Code changes -
- bugzid: 953 highlight hurryup dialog target
- bugzid: 977, 978 chest-UI fixes.
- bugzid: 973 hurry-up dialog, show name of item being hurried
- bugzid: 980 unit test timed object results have display strings
- misc dev-server logging
- bugzid: 954 double-tap farmview to go to 1:1 zoom
- bugzid: 259 disable RESET FARM
- fix overnight 'dead battery' solar charge logic
- bugzid: 988 battery terminal doesn't indicate 'dead'
- bugzid: 989 robot-outputs remain hot when battery is dead
- bugzid: 319 batteries charge 'overnight' when very-dead
- safety check lastSaveDate for
- bugzid: 992 growing items (i.e., ironwood tree) don't restore-farm to correct image for phase
- bugzid: 985 add 'no carry' switch to robot
- bugzid: 221 clean up cruft
- update launch-image
- bugzid: 998 hurry dialog for dirt says 'missing item null'
- better autorelease/main-queue use
- bugzid: 1005 market-sell deals with actual items, not prototypes.
- Now you can sell (empty) items capable of inventory
- bugzid: 1001 crash after repeated memory warnings
- add telemetry for feature unlocked
- bugzid: 946 add inventory slots-available pin
- inventory slots-count pin is cold if available slots = 0
- bugzid: 976 chips (all gates) on ground icon is too big
- fixed trees placed on ground being shrunk as if they were items. :)
- bugzid: 1008 crafting multiples (ex: 20 charcoal) is sluggish)
- some excess-view memory footprint reduction.
- specifically, IC chips are now presented-VCs, rather than inserted-views
- market items are better organized.
- (They're sorted by itemID, which vaguely follows the description but, for example, pinecones are 'seed-pinecone...')
- reduced a zillion mutableCopy-s, most notably in objectDictionary-s
- add telemetry for battery charging
- bugzid: 1012 chip: when closing interior, clear inventory (so can be sold)
- bugzid: 1011 market sell: check contents as well as inventory
- bugzid: 1010 move robot's nocarry button into robo-info box
- bump vsn to 0.4.0 in preparation for delivery of Beta-4
- Content changes -
- add dummy move-hot image
- slight nerf to and/not/node-tree grow times
- bugzid: 974 bugzid: 975 iron, steel saw outlines wrong color
- bump starter BBX 100 => 543
- bugzid: 986 iron/steel dibble outline colors
- add worfc-1024 splash
- minor nerf to steel-hoe (2 => 2.5s), to make room for super-tools
- Bump up tech-level requirements
- update mission text about market-selling items with inventory.
- update text for 'cant sell with inventory' one time event
- you can sell your 25mW generator
- Server changes -
- bugzid: 696 debug-login requires admin-keys
- bugzid: 375 add cheater-tracker (hacked farms)
- fixes to farm lastSaveTime
- correct flag constants
Release notes for: 0.3.0(3268)
- Big-news items -
- The #1 big-deal change this update is grind-reduction.
- I've still got some work to do here, but several items in the earlier part of the game have been re-priced
quite a bit cheaper.
- On the other hand, I also slightly-nerfed the action times for steel tools, in order to make room for
even better, faster super-tools.
- Lots of UI-fixes.
- Tool are no longer included in the crafting BOM, so it's more useful for price comparison.
- If you have a network connection, your farm is saved/uploaded periodically.
- For now, it's every 10 minutes. While this number might change get adjusted, the idea is that you can't
lose hours & hours of progress due to some catastrophic failure.
- I started working on "Deep Inventory" crafting -- where you can craft using items and tools that are
stored within chests (or furnaces, or other robots, or chests within other robots, etc.) that are in
your inventory. However, it wasn't quite ready for prime-time, so not this update. Probably next.
- Soon, you'll be able to sell items-capable-of-inventory (chests, furnaces, robots, etc.) at market but,
for now, it's disabled, until I implement a better check to make sure that it's empty first.
My main thrust now is bug fixes and game balance -- working out the details so that there are fun, challenging
things to do, but it constantly feels like progress is being made. My current thinking is that I might need to
introduce missions to guide the player along more automation, earlier.
- Code changes -
- fixes for deep inventory
- don't accumulate study-time after maxing out
- bugzid: 921 gates inside chips inactive on farm-load
- bugzid 927 inventory can get eaten at the end of tool use.
- I'm pretty sure this was another UI-jammed problem. This fix moves the circuit clock to run in different modes, so as not to block UI
- Add crafting BOM-loop unit-test
- don't delay killCircuitTimer.
- realign chip-interior pins for fewer crossed-wires
- bugzid: 928 chips don't work until after you look inside.
- bugzid: 931 chip-pins can be inverted
- bugzid: 932 you can craft multiple (i.e, charcoal) in excess of INV_MAX_STACK
- bugzid: 925 market: don't deselect inventory item when qtys change
- crafting: remove tools from BOM
- bugzid: 930 tool-operating and inventory-select-next drawer pins are aligned
- bugzid: 929 rock-sensor image is offset
- outline traces for better visibility
- bugzid: 917 inventory remaining-slots counter
- bugzid: 939 chests: show slots available
- bugzid: 938 foo-1 sensor senses foo-2, -3, etc.
- ALSO: Node-outlets used to accumulate signals; no more.
- ALSO: we used to pass signals via cold outlets; no more.
- bugzid: 945 set, hot item sensor missing image
- bugzid: 459 cleanup cruft
- telemetry: farm-grid and solder-home settings
- bugzid: 943 item-sensor view is ridiculously tall
- bugzid: 916 crafting doesn't update 'can make' (or other filters) as inventory changes
- bugzid: 955 draging a gate out of a chest makes it display at 0,0
- bugzid: 949 move bumpers, thrusters, drawers so they don't all collide with each other.
- fix typo in button image name
- bugzid: 956 crash selecting item from 'short' list if section is collapsed (ex: generator => iron ingot)
- also work-in-progess on crafting view
- deployment target iOS8.0
- bugzid: 958 inventory update causes crafting sections to expand
- DEEP INVENTORY activated for crafting
- bugzid: 951 shovel doesn't dig up flower
- bugzid: 962 using shovel with inventory selected (i.e., seed) eats inventory
- refactor-out [NSThread isMainThread]; use [MFUtils runInMainQueue:], instead
- bugzid: 600 upload farm when able
- bugzid: 963 add don't-pick-up switch to chest UI
- deep-inventory adjustments.
- DEEP INVENTORY deactivated; not yet ready for prime time. (Pending wildcard fixes)
- reduce grow-sparkle
- bugzid: 968 inventory allObjects now goes deep
- bugzid: 966 chips in drawer lose their wiring
- updates to deep-inventory unit tests.
- bugzid: 967 market: don't allow sale of items with inventory
- items in chests, when dragged out, are generic copies of that item.
- (secifically fixes: gates with logic put in chests now come out with that logic intact.)
- bugzid: 932 chip pins can be undef at load time, even though they're connected
- bump vsn to 0.3.0 in preparation for delivery of Beta-3
- Content changes -
- update robot-interior-hole image
- Also, adjust tech-times
- fix broken mission hints.
- rename charcoal => charcoal-1, update dibble-1, fix templates
- bugzid: 924 infinite loop in silicon BOM (requires steel hammer => steel => silicon)
- new artwork from Melissa
- bugzid: 914 outline IO pins for better visibility
- updated images (for art-spec)
- add flowers/tree spec
- bugzid: 948 tools: wooden tools can be not quite -so- slow
- bugzid: 947 start farm: +1 lumber, +1 tool handle, +3 wood
- un-shrink robo-settings button
- update coin-reward image
- tweak crafting, missions.
- bugzid: 970 ner steel tools (time to operate) a little bit to make room for super-tools, later.
- add dummy move-hot image
- Server changes -
- don't tolower username on dev server
Release notes for: 0.2.0(3035)
- The big-news items -
- The way bumpers "feel" for items has been updated to be more "natural".
- Similarly, the spaces tools feel is updated. For example, dibbles, hoes & shovels
won't "go sideways" anymore.
- The robot interior got some cosmetic upgrades.
- Crafting is fixed such that a nicer item meets the tools-criteria for a less-nice version.
- Flowers!
- The "item-animations jam the UI" bug should be squashed, once and for all.
- Chests no longer allow dragging "off the reservation".
- In addition, your formerly unreachable items should be returned to center-farm
- Timed objects (growing trees) were skipping phases and generally misbehaving; now fixed.
- The farm now displays its "grid". You can turn it off in the Settings view.
- Code changes -
- fix bumper-feel positioning
- This probably fixes plants-off-center, etc., but sending to QA for testing.
- correctly clear lastThrusterDirection at start of loop
- more bumper fixes. (868)
- bugzid: 285 reduce excess logging
- bugzid: 323 Crafting, a fancier tool meets the criteria for a lesser tool
- bugzid: 542 gates-drawer to straight-up grid, regardless of item size
- bugzid: 874 no mission-credit for charging battery if doing so tops it off.
- bugzid: 872 trigger furnace instructions when furnace is dropped, crafted or opened
- bugzid: 729 check flurry errors, fix
- bugzid: 876 fix jittery item animations
- bugzid: 879 crash on double-tapping crafting button.
- bugzid: 883 2nd robot's planted seeds/dirt don't display until save/reload
- bugzid: 892 chests let you drag things beyond fence.
- In addition, you can't drop things on rocks.
- Also, any items currently on/beyond the rocks are recovered to center farm.
- bugzid: 895 timed objects (growing trees) now change phases correctly
- bugzid: 860 dibble, hoe, shovel only work on the robot's current cell
- chest, market, crafting don't animate too many items at once
- bugzid: 897 chest: drag to make room, allow slurp, replace -- defeats inventory limits
- bugzid: 904 implement robo sell-at-market
- bugzid: 900 mitigate too-many item animations UI problem
- update unit tests to better handle timed-object images
- bugzid: 704 reduce excess autoreleasepool
- bugzid: 806 between farm save/restore, some chips/sensors lose connections
- bugzid: 884 chips don't hold connections until something is connected on the inside.
- NOTE: Fixing this may have created problems when outside is connected first, then inside is connected inappropraitely (in/out).
- Needs more testing in this area.
- bugzid: 773 fast-cutter tool. Gates waved-over open gates drawer have all connections cut
- bugzid: 909 make crafting & market views taller
- item-on-ground animations are even more UI-friendly.
- fix gates-on-ground don't animate.
- Also cruft cleanup and UIView (extra gates-view) reduction.
- fix warnings (64-bit)
- bugzid: 901 highlight robo-parts when active/hot
- bugzid: 857 add faint farm-grid. User-toggle settings. 'On' to start
- cruft removal
- bugzid: move debug-bad-farm flag to compile-time flag
- bump vsn to 0.2.0 in preparation for delivery of Beta 2
- Content changes -
- bugzid: 864 shoves dig-up flowers.
- add art2 specs
- updated splash for Adam (wip)
- bugzid: 838 match market categories similar to crafting
- add art-spec notes
- add numeric registers to crafting, update help
- bugzid: 860 add tools-feel data
- add flowers
- bugzid: 898 crafting copper bar requires iron (not steel) hammer.
- bugzid: 899 crafting crucible takes blowers as ingredient, not tool
- more seeds/flowers updates (tools, market, templates)
- add (dummy) seed images. Update templates
- bugzid 683 gates, beach-seeds come from copper
- updated seed images (placeholder)
- add missions (150)
- bugzid: 907 price new flower seeds
- bugzid: 885 spread-out chip-12 pins
- add individual robot-interior parts
- update robot-interior-hole image
- Server changes -
- don't strToUpper username on dev server
Release notes for: 0.1.5(2730)
"Beta 1.5"
- Code changes -
- bugzid: 728 fix telemetry WARN-s
- bugzid: 777 bumpers hold signals even when cold
- bugzid: 775 gates drawer pushes blocked gates out of the way
- bugzid: 761 unit test help items have matching help
- bugzid: 772 CCTV correctly keeps up when farm is zoomed
- bugzid: 669 no crafting beyond inventory limits
- bugzid: 646 market is popup, like other views
- bugzid: 788 bbx icon in market opens the bbx store
- bugzid: 786 chips display extraneous connections
- bugzid: 785 zoom in/out from robot view
- bugzid: 792 cctv doesn't center-up until you move once
- bugzid: 784 tools that work with (null) (and nothing else) ignore inventory
- bugzid: 799 performance issues (esp with drawer updates)
- NOTE: This was a fairly simple change, though it involved a change to the way drawers
work. It was tested 'some' and appears to work fine. It's a good candidate for more pounding.
- remove special (generated) missions until the algorithm works better.
- robot-interior: zoom level only visible if eye is 'open'
- bugzid: 774 nodes display orange/hot correctly
- add help to project
- bugzid: 789 offer high end tools for bbx
- fix chip-interior drawers not reflecting inventory
- bugzid: 794 chip-text not properly editable
- bugzid: 813 persist robot-selectedTool/Gate/Inv across saves
- bugzid: 819 shoveling, while holding seed, consumes seed
- bugzid: 817 recover wildly-lost chips that go far off-screen.
- (NOTE: chips-in-chips feature removed. It's badly broken. See #827)
- bugzid: 821 remember crafting all/can-make choice
- bugzid: 820 crafting view defaults to 'can make'
- bugzid: 670 can't purchase (market) beyond inventory limits.
- Also bumped inventory-max 15 => 20, until we get chests + deepCount working
- Also refactored 'is inventory full?' code and fixed crafting-over-full.
- bugzid: 745 screwey drawer operation when scrolled
- bugzid: 833 gates-in-chips don't work.
- bugzid: 809 cleanse dictionaryExtras of superfluous data
- bugzid: 832 breaking solder connection stops hot
- bugzid: 822 one-time event for crafting filters
- bugzid: 818 one-time: inventory full
- bugzid: 837 chest-UI: indicate slot count
- bugzid: 836 save 'follow' and 'eye-view' settings in robot
- bugzid: 839 one-time events go on top of everything (window)
- bugzid: 823 crafting correctly shows 'any pinecone' (etc) when that's the case.
- bugzid: 825 if crafting wants (4) pinecone-* and you have (2) pinecone-a and (80) pinecone-b, failure
- bugzid: 381 incinerator to destroy items
- data format => 16, update chest/robot anchor positions
- bugzid: 844 crash on sensor-blank (not a true gate)
- move one-time missions to top layer (again)
- bugzid: 845 item animation is jittery
- integrate some new artwork
- add banner source material
- tweak help-image placement
- WIP infrastructure for generic CRAFT:, COLLECT-%d and HARVEST: mission goals
- bugzid: 577 next tier missions
- bugzid: 577 write next tier of missions
- fixed tools-drawer leaking stored items
- don't replay fail sound when crafting multiples of learn-by-fail
- tweaks to support new missions
- bugzid: 851 unit tests to verify mission data
- bugzid: 853 extended tools drawer aligned with right-thruster
- bugzid: 841 remove chest-contents (chests have inventory, not contents)
- NOTE: This is a BIG CHANGE. I'm pretty sure I got it right, but it's almost certainly worth hard-testing.
- fix warnings
- data format => 18 -- fix battery-image inside of robot
- bugzid: 802 missions-menu sparkles only if new missions
- bugzid: 854 missions pay out other-than-money rewards
- add 'robot did move' pin
- added tool-in-use pin
- bump vsn to 0.1.5 in preparation for Beta 1.5
- Content changes -
- nerfed the sell prices for farmables, robot parts
- adjust seed-crafting prices, remove gate seeds from market
- bugzid: 761 comment-out help items without help
- price-balancing of some of the higher-end items
- about tweaks
- bugzid: 780 ping-pong bot help
- bugzid: 779 circuits-to-build help
- bugzid: 752 write help for robot-crafting/market
- bugzid: 789 offer high-end tools for bbx
- rearrange crafting menu to follow natural game progression a little better
- reorganize crafting
- bugzid: 822 one-time crafting filters
- bugzid: 818 one-time: inventory full
- move misc files into zNotes folder
- add content for incinerator
- update chest/robot anchor positions
- bugzid: 843 one-time event for incinerator operation
- new art images
- Bugzid: 577 next tier missions
- missions/market tweaks
- tweaks to support new missions
- fix unit-test errors
- add move icon
- Server changes -
Release notes for: 0.1.4(2371)
"Beta 1.4"
- Code changes -
- bugzid: 690 'off' connector was too low for soldering. Raised it and the gates drawer a bit
- bugzid: 688 put solderpen away abandons a trace in progress
- bugzid: 692 crafting dialog doesn't show qty-ea for items that make > 1
- bugzid: 694 mysterious HOME-button dispatch crash
- bugzid: 695 robot displays at 0,0 at farm restore if held objects.
- bugzid: 699 crash at end of charging cycle (operateDrawerUI without object)
- misc cleanup
- bugzid: 705 app never displays farmview after login.
- Had to undo some of the dispatch_after => performSelector: changes, to get UI back on the main thread.
(we'll deal with this later.)
- bugzid: 706 crash on close-lid/save-farm/HOME button -- GCD/timer related
- fix system-power won't toggle
- fix TimedView won't advance
- remove excess logging
- bugzid: 654 objects now remember thier layers (robot shouldn't be under dirt, anymore)
- Dataformat 12 => 13
- bugzid: 698 robot doesn't display held object on launch
- minor cleanup
- bugzid: 697 settings sound slider plays sample sound
- bugzid: 709 grow timers don't fire, nothing grows
- bugzid: 713 crafted robot no longer animates, is enterable
- crafting, market are now robot-specific, using their respective inventories.
- bugzid: 716 make a bunch of items 'no collide', then
- make that the main flag (don't worry about noCarry) that bumpers use.
- bugzid: 652 add robo-bumped noise
- bugzid: 651 add antenna noise
- bugzid: 650 add robo-move noise
- better debug-login
- antenna operation fixes.
- bugzid: name the robot UI (tap the battery)
- bugzid: drawers flash scroll bar when opened
- bugzid: 707 flip flops save which side is hot
- bugzid: 710 toggle for eye to follow robot
- bugzid: 693 repeat banners on app-did-become-active
- bugzid: 655 node rotation to 15.
- bugzid: 592 class name after WARN: events
- bugzid: 504 use model, not hard-coded name of CS-tech
- bugzid: 503 expose amount of CS needed to nest chips
- bugzid: 732 tap gate drawer icon lifts item from below icon
- bugzid: 490 force relogin in the weird case that the farm contains no farm
- bugzid: 712 crafting robot uses inventory image, not sprite-sheet
- WIP: 305, 347 -- cache farm every now and then.
- WIP: numeric register/comparator
- some foreground/background updates. maybe helps with #737
- fix view display of numeric registers
- bugzid: 735 text registers have input pins when blank
- implement Numeric registers
- bugzid: 574 implement numeric register/comparator
- bugzid: 748 add tool power icon
- hide drawer pins if not feature-unlocked. Show when unlocked
- robo-interior respond to feature-unlocked notification
- model deals with unlocked features
- update feature unlocked api
- bugzid: 753 unlock feature (drawer pins) on help view
- bugzid: 747 hide drawer side-pins until 1st sensor (feature unlocked)
- don't sparkle missions button while help is open
- bugzid: 527 stack-overflow tapping item in robot
- bugzid: 612 skill advance no longer displays in other popups
- bugzid: 548 add twiddle-to-open indicator to section-table-VC
- (mostly) bugzid: 132 background grass shows at bottom of farm scroll view
- bugzid: 755 find my robots arrow can now be tapped to enter that robot.
- Also made it much easier to tap a robot-in-motion.
- bugzid: 703 check all dispatch_after/performSelector:afterDelay: for proper cleanup
- bugzid: 760 explain drawer sorting
- bugzid: 759 explain inventory/tools drawers
- bugzid: 757 hide drop inventory pins for start game
- bugzid: 751 help for drawer pins
- bugzid: 741 one time event for drawer inputs
- bugzid: 763 fix performance of very-full inventory drawers
- bbx purchase disabled in beta
- bugzid: 768 bugzid: 769 gate drawer drawing problems.
- bump vsn to 0.1.4 in preparation for delivery of beta 1.4
- Content changes -
- bugzid: 701 implement gate trees
- (plant, grow, harvest, images)
- change crafting order
- data format 12 => 13
- make that the main flag (don't worry about noCarry) that bumpers use.
- bugzid: 716 make a bunch of items 'no collide', then
- bugzid: 652 add robo-bumped noise
- bugzid: 651 add antenna noise
- bugzid: 650 add robo-move noise
- bugzid: 710 toggle for eye to follow robot
- Bugzid: 725 banner updates
- banner-list updates
- remove dead banners
- re-insert beta-test banner
- bugzid: 655 node rotation to 15°
- rename sandawood => beachwood
- add numeric register images
- bugzid: 743 help: explain the 2 different power buttons
- bugzid 744: write help for numeric registers/comparators
- bugzid: 748 add tool power icon
- add cctv-on button
- colorize toolPower icon
- Also better bumper sound
- resuce triangle size
- bugzid: 741 one time event for drawer inputs
- bugzid: 759 add wording about inventory vs tools drawer, etc.
- bugzid: 760 explain drawer sorting
- help tweaks
- Server changes -
- bugzid: 686 add create-time to farm
- deliver banners with non-demo logins, too
- bugzid: 516 uncomment access-check in saveFarm
Release notes for: 0.1.3(1940)
"Beta 1.3"
- Code changes -
- bugzid: 615 crash on mission sparkle (farmVC)
- bugzid: 609 stray items inside robot
- bugzid: 621 fix crash on saveFarm w/chest (or workbench)
- bugzid: market doesn't respect qty-ea on buy/sell
- bugzid: 626 allow user to sell saw (warn them not to)
- bugzid: 619 crash tapping mission reward coins
- bugzid: 613 consume materials on learn-to-fail failure.
- bugzid: 605 don't give missions rewards until the action is complete
- bugzid: 614 craft-% doesn't update on failure-learn
- working on item-sorting, but could not reproduce the bug
- bugzid: 632 add about button to login page
- bugzid: 631 add cuckoo sound to learning-failure
- bugzid: 635 gates dropped in robot properly adjust inventory
- bugzid: 587 trees grow in wrong location
- bugzid: 645 gates duplicate after crafting
- bugzid: 644 crafting does not consume materials
- bugzid: 641 you can dig multiple dirt on top of each other
- bugzid: 640 chest does not vacuum the full radius (was actually a display-positioning problem)
- bugzid: 634 trees can sprout under robot, sticking him
- bugzid: 642 tools apply to wrong location
- bugzid: 647 market view resets when inventory changes
- Turn off cell grid. Make it a debug-flag
- bugzid: 649 antenna doesn't continue to throb when power is off.
- bugzid: 638 generators de-select to prevent over-charging and coal-burn
- robot setting his selected inventory/tool updates the drawer
- bugzid: 653 timed objects (growing things) restart when game is resumed.
- bugzid: 585 rotate node slightly
- bugzid: 602 add drop-item to tools drawer
- bugzid: 656 add drop-item/selected-item to gates drawer
- bugzid: 603 filter gates, tools out of main inventory drawer
- rather than 'put away' to start location, solder pen just moves back under your finger after connection is made/broken
- bugzid: 662 new all-seeing-eye interface
- bugzid: 604 don't count not-displayed inventory against inventory-full count
- add 'original setting' for eye-transparency into cycle. (RKDA request)
- bugzid: 665 settings: solder-pen goes home (RKDA)
- bugzid: 666 crash on inventory-drop with no item selected
- bugzid: 661 on tool use, don't deselect inventory if it's a different item
- add vsn/build to telemetry
- RKDA's drop-inventory crash
- add 'signal' container to connectors
- bugzid: 672 timed object (mined dirt) collides with items
- bugzid: 581 bumper-items now come via signals
- sensors update image correctly when set
- bugzid: 676 added 'recover lost solder pen' button
- bugzid: 679 text registers/comparators work with signals
- bugzid: 579 inventory now respects source (grabber, other)
- bugzid: 663 remove on/off buttons, move connectors to toggle switch
- add more select/selected connectors to robot
- restore robot-connection-order from [Master 435fbeb] (2 hrs ago).
- There were 2 checkins since where the ordering got mangled.
- 573 select-next inv, gates, tools, craftable
- tool/inv/gate-selected pins implemented
- refactor: 'image2' => 'image-inv'
- bugzid: 660 market - button doesn't deal with qty-ea
- bugzid: 659 market Max button overshoots
- bugzid: 571 add item comparator/sensor.
- Also added signals-through-logic (not well tested; probably broken, somewhere)
- bugzid: 681 tool + null now works if standing on empty ground
- There were other, similar impacts related to tools that required no-inventory (null.))
(This impacted trying to shovel bare-ground, for example, while within bumper-distance of dirt/trees.
- bugzid: 687 dirt, left unplanted, reverts to fallow.
- NOTE: this won't impact your existing dirt, which will remain forever until you plant over it.
However, new dirt will revert to bare-grass, after a while. (Current setting: 20 hrs)
- bugzid: 685 log total play-time (logged-in)
- fix build warnings
- bump vsn to 0.1.3 in preparation for delivery of Beta 1.3
- Content changes -
- bugzid: 626 allow user to sell saw (warn them not to)
- fix missions key
- bugzid: 630 crafting instructions for generators
- Also tweaks to legal page
- bugzid: 633 add missing planting (seeds) for tool (dibble)
- bugzid: 631 add cuckoo sound
- you can sell clay, now
- fix chest anchors, mask-sizes
- bugzid: 643 plist signatures
- correct cross-platform plist signatures
- bugzid: 585 rotate node slightly
- add robot-interior-hole image
- update dibble images
- cruft removal
- updates in support of recent features
- add selected-item image
- refactor: 'image2' => 'image-inv'
- update signatures
- Server changes -
- recognize dev/debug server
Release notes for: 0.1.2(1629)
"Beta 1.2"
- Code changes -
- bugzid: 545 refactor RFC... to Rfc... (Utils, WalkableVC, etc.)
- bugzid: 327 when at max-level for studyed tech, turn off tech-studied
- bugzid: 486 Model moveObjectTo: cruft removal
- bugzid: 487 RfcObject addObject: check for duplicates
- bugzid: 485 fix magic numbers in missions manager
- bugzid: 550 reduce object-tap delay in gates drawer
- bugzid: 255 sign plists
- bugzid: 530 text Register/Comparator can't be dragged until set.
- NOTE: This involved a big refactor to remove all object buttons and replace with tap-gesture recognizer.
Thanks to infrastructure, the change was pretty simple, but the ability to tap things and get the
expected behaviour is an area that could use heavy testing.
- bugzid: 546 Create a mechanism to have test-login directory, so we don't have to mess with live server.
- bugzid: 525 unit-test for RfcTimedObject images
- finish refactor to include xib filename
- Log battery levels for later analysis
- bugzid: 390 add images to crafting view
- bugzid: 97 add chip notes
- bugzid: 315 BOM crafting button
- cruft removal
- Fix RKDA's crash-on-restore-farm bug
- bugzid: 557 can't select tools or inventory
- fix missing missions logging
- bugzid: 559 one-time events spam
- bugzid: 555 remove next:special:craft from special:craft missions -- they were buildling-up exponentially
- bugzid: 562 mined dirt, clay from tools, timedObjects do not sort-to-layer
- bugzid: 556 add tool tip for inventory items
- bugzid: 565 gates inside chips don't power/work
- bugzid: 560 unit test to verify tools input/output exist
- bugzid: 567 add sparks to soldering
- add parse/push notifications
- clear app badge on launch
- bugzid: 412 add 'come back, we miss you' reminders
- bugzid: 145 add some sparkle to mission rewards
- bugzid: 568 failed crafting of ironwood on saved-farm crashes (mutable/not issue)
- make fake-login simulator only safe
- sim-safe the DEBUG_ flags
- bugzid: 576 make glitter-fade random-ish
- bugzid: 566 just load startFarm (no network) when on sim/debug
- bugzid: 443 track signed bbx/coin transactions
- bugzid: 584 timed objects (trees) advance (grow) when app isn't running
- bugzid: 588 fix crash trying to credit item collection (as for mission) after item-object is released (RKDA)
- bugzid: 589 fix dropped-chest tapability
- bugzid: 590 chest put in inventory now keeps its inventory.
- NOTE: The inventory mechanism was completely re-done. It got quite a bit of
testing and I'm pretty sure it's solid, but please report any unusual behaviour
with items going into or out of inventory. Thanks!
- Also fix gate connectors when dropped/returned
- fix warnings (64bit)
- better logging (+flurry) of background farm-save
- bugzid: 596 add farm-saving indicator
- bugzid: 594 chest updates when inventory is dragged out/in
- bump vsn to 0.1.2 in preparation for delivery of beta-1.2
- Content changes -
- bugzid: 255 track keys in plists
- bugzid: 35 fix images in soldering tutorial
- bump startFarm to data format=10
- bugzid: 558 fix ironwood-planing
- bugzid: 536 make pinecone seeds sellable
- updated plist keys
- tools update so everything exists
- bugzid: 586 can't plant pinecones > -0
- update timed objects to new format
- bump to data format 12 (new inventory)
- Server changes -
- more logging in login
- add more/better logging to savefarm
- bugzid: 539 don't roll backups of unchanged farms
Release notes for: 0.1.1(1347)
We're now in public Beta! Please help spread the word.
- Code changes -
- bugzid: 404 add UI alert to all farm-loading failure paths
- bugzid: 479 add bbx-store to hurry-along dialog
- bugzid: 449 add sparkle to growing things to indicate 'underway'
- bugzid: 281 add alert for leveling up
- bugzid: 509 refactor no-buttons (items) into templates
- bugzid: 510 generic sensor doesn't display correctly
- bugzid: 514 fix crash in 'clear some trees' mission
- bugzid: 515 rename wood items/images -1 => -2, -3
- bugzid: 345 verify data files (auto-verification implemented)
- Bump inventory max to 15 (from 10)
- include pine trees in debug-seeds
- standardize seed-pinecone-0 -> grow-pine-0 items, images, etc.
- bugzid: 523 add grow-pine-1, -2, -3
- bugzid: 526 crafting doesn't display req/missing items with wildcards
- bugzid: 529 textR/C, sensors don't save/restore properly in inventory.
- NOTE: This was a pretty pervasive change, touching pretty-much anything that moved things into,
out of, displayed or had an inventory. I'm pretty sure I got it right, but it wouldn't hurt
to test this area fairly thoroughly.
- bugzid: 358 implement text register/comparator
- Includes help and several support updates (done over the course of several prior checkins)
- bugzid: 536 correct spacing for sensor/text in gates drawer
- bugzid: 533 centralize decision to display/not items in various drawers
- bugzid: 531 gate drawer 2 rows, scrolling
- bugzid: 528 antenna doesn't go if robot is powered off
- bugzid: 543 can't drag chips round solder view
- bugzid: 544 items in scrolled gate view drag on-screen offset by scrollview.offset
- bugzid: 541 chip interiors don't display robot's inventory
- bugzid: 519 move 'reset farm' to login screen
- bugzid: 333 banner display
- only display banners once per day
- bugzid: 524 rkda crashes playing saved farm.
(is related to farm-data format update happening incorrectly. The solution: update to format=9 :)
- added 'you should never need to do this' note to reset farm.
- fix warnings (64 bit)
- bump vsn to 0.1.1 for delivery of beta-1.1
- Content changes -
- startFarm to dataFormat = 8
- add new glitter
- updated templates (item no-button flags)
- new sensor images, new sparkles
- new items from MJ
- bugzid: 515 rename wood items/images -1 => -2, -3
- bugzid: 521 add 'inventory full' note to mini-help button
- bugzid: 522 grow-pine-0 images are offset incorrectly
- standardize seed-pinecone-0 -> grow-pine-0 items, images, etc.
- add grow-pine-2, -3 images
- bugzid: 523 add grow-pine-1, -2, -3
- updated item art (chests, toolset-steel)
- new help + images for textR/C
- add the other seed-pinecone-1, -2, -3 items
- text register help updates
- updated legal, audio-needed
- bugzid: 543 can't drag chips around solder view
- bugzid: 333 add banner display to start of app
- start farm data to format:9
- Server changes -
- backup farms script
- tweak backup script
- add logfile utilities and use in saveFarm
- update logging for saved-farm
- comment-out access-forbidden until after we release the build that uses access.
- bugzid: 333 banner display
- updated flag handling (login)
Release notes for: 0.1.0(1124)
"Beta-1b" ;)
The big fix this time is of a crashing bug in the "Clear Some Trees" mission (thanks, RKDA!) However, since I'd already done some other updates, you get those, too. :)
- bugzid: 404 add UI alert to all farm-loading failure paths
- bugzid: 479 add bbx-store to hurry-along dialog
- refactor animateSparkle: as a utility
- bugzid: 449 add sparkle to growing things to indicate 'underway'
- bugzid: 281 add alert for leveling up
- bugzid: 509 refactor no-buttons (items) into templates
- bugzid: 510 generic sensor doesn't display correctly
- bugzid: 514 fix crash in 'clear some trees' mission
Release notes for: 0.1.0(1080)
We're now in public Beta! Please help spread the word.
- Code changes -
- bugzid: 391 turn all error logging msgs into flurry events
- bugzid: 316 crafting: when tap on 'short' item, switch to how to craft one of those
- bugzid: 467 if no next mission, add SPECIAL
- bugzid: 386 turn TODO: and FIXME: into cases
- bugzid: 482 global circuit timer stops on background, but doesn't restart on foreground
- bugzid: 483 circuitry now ticks while robot is paused (as when sawing)
- bug reports go only to fogbugz, not to personal
- update images in project
- refactor @'menu' to MENU_KEY
- bugzid: 427 remove shadow-bar in missions-badge
- bugzid: 464 randomize auto-mission text a bit.
- bugzid: 452 generic sensor image off-center
- put flurry events all over (crafting, help, market, missions, settings)
- bugzid: 495, bugzid: 496, bugzid: 497 add (?) buttons to crafting view
- refactor +[Model itemNamed:] => +[Model itemWithID:]
- bugzid: 77 limit chips-within-chips by CS-tech
- bugzid: 506 soldering hb won't play
- WIP: chips are stored as part of gate inventory, go in/out
- Also updates to inventory-full indicator.
- bugzid: 501 gates/chips go into their correct drawers, even though part of inventory.
- dropped gates/chips appear correctly on farm.
- craft manager tries to pick a random tool sound to play when crafting
- convert farm data to format: 8
- fix analyzer warnings
- build all (not only-active) architecture for archive
- bump vsn to 0.1.0 (beta!)
- Content changes -
- new images from MJ
- new hammer, hoe, 'tools' images
- new artwork replaces old
- bugzid: 453 image2 for trees, for sensors
- cruft removal
- add crafting help-buttons
- correct image for hoe-1
- cruft cleanup
- plist tweaks.
- chip images
- help-needed text and test farm plist
- add in-full icon
- updates to -needed lists
- audio needed file
- startFarm to dataFormat = 8